How can sports help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? This is a question that I have really been interested in over the past few months and one of the reasons why I wanted to start Sports for Social Impact. I wanted to have a better understanding of how sports can have an impact on things like ending poverty, and taking climate action. Sport as a facilitator for the SDGs are a huge way that sports have a social impact.
The SDGs are:
SDG #1 No Poverty
SDG #2 Zero Hunger
SDG #3 Good Health and Well-Being
SDG #4 Quality Education
SDG #5 Gender Equality
SDG #6 Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG #7 Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG #9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG #10 Reduced Inequalities
SDG #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG #12 Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG #13 Climate Action
SDG #14 Life Below Water
SDG #15 Life on Land
SDG #16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG #17 Partnerships for the Goals
Sport can have a huge impact helping solve some of the world’s most pressing problems. Sport may be one of the most versatile policy tools that we have. It can also be a very cheap policy tool and one that can be transported any where in the world, sometimes all you need is a soccer ball or basketball to have an impact. Sport can be used in so many different ways to achieve desired outcomes and goals. This is what I am hoping to discover more of. #Sports4SDGs #SocialImpact
Each of these goals have specific targets that help track the progress and help us determine if we are going to achieve the goal. In some articles, I will be talking about how sport can help achieve the overall goal, and in some I will explore how sport can help facilitate specific targets.
Stay tuned for the coming articles!